Foothills Gateway’s mission is to advocate for and empower individuals to lead lives of their choice. Our vision is that we believe in a life of opportunity, of choice, and of dignity for every individual, regardless of age or ability.
Our Guiding Principles:
- Apply the highest standards of person centered excellence and innovation through increased partnerships and collaborations.
- Provide those we serve effective and efficient connections to the community.
- Embrace diversity, inclusion, and equity as essential to the way we do business.
- Support individuals through person centered planning.
- Recognize that the agency’s financial stability is essential to the ongoing success of those we serve.
- Help educate and contribute positively to our communities.
- Foster and support satisfied individuals and families.
- Maintain a professional work environment in which we treat each other with dignity and respect.
- As a person centered organization, Foothills Gateway provides accountable and effective leadership.