We Love Softball, Yes, We Do!
June 21, 2018
By Jake Makowski
As winter turns to spring each year and the snow begins to vanish the quick small-talk questions that come my way as I walk the halls at Foothills turn to a familiar subject, often the same question:
“When’s softball starting?!” 
Each year the FGI Wellness Committee organizes a co-ed recreational softball league team through the City of Fort Collins. Throughout the summer, on Tuesday evenings, staff gather, along with their family & friends and head down to the park to take part in what has become an annual tradition. Split into divisions of 8 teams, players take to the diamond for games that time and again have demonstrated the great sportsmanship and friendliness that you can find in our community. The games take place at one of three parks: Rolland Moore, Fossil Creek, and Lee Martinez.
It’s more than just Softball
As the team manager I’ve taken great enjoyment in the range of interactions you can witness in the short span of 55 minutes of game play each week. As the players arrive prior to the game and begin warming up you can see staff from different divisions of the agency greeting each other, sometimes for the first time, asking one another which department the other works in. Other times staff are welcoming a familiar face and picking up their conversation where they left off at work. Friends and families join the other fans in the stand to cheer on their team. While the kids run wild taking advantage of the sloping hills at each park for their tumbling and rolling races.
On the field, words of encouragement and guidance are thrown around like confetti. Whenever someone makes a stellar play or a mistake you will quickly hear praise and consolations shouted their way. These reminders don’t just come from teammates but from the opposing team and umpires as well; examples of the incredible sportsmanship that is demonstrated week after week.
If you come to the games regularly you can easily see the development of the team bonding together. Each year the team is quick to “click” – communicating quickly with one another and learning when to move to cover for an errant throw or be a cut off for a throw coming from deep in the outfield without being called to. The games truly make for a wonderful opportunity to strengthen the relationships between staff members.
To Follow the Team
Go online at www.teamsideline.com/sites/fortcollins/, click on Game Schedules, then under 2018 Summer Softball click on Tues Co-Ed Rec – D Revised 5/23. We are the One Hit Wonders. There you can find our schedule and standing.
Or you can come and watch! We would love to see you at the park!
On behalf of the FGI Wellness Committee: Thank you!