Getting Started

Foothills Gateway, Inc. provides case management for several Medicaid waiver and state-funded programs.  Eligibility varies based on the program.

Eligibility for most programs is based on financial need as well as functional disability criteria.

 Applicants must apply for Medicaid/Health First Colorado
A Case Manager must assess the applicant’s functional eligibility
Applicants under age 65 must meet federal disability requirements


Once your eligibility has been determined by your local Case Management Agency (Foothills Gateway), you will be assigned a Case Manager.

Case Managers actively coordinate and monitor services and supports for individuals and families receiving services through Foothills Gateway and individuals waiting for services. Case Managers can assist with answering questions you may have about services, referrals to community resources, or planning for the future.

Ready to get started?

Make a referral for yourself or a family member by reaching out to

We look forward to hearing from you!